
For Skin Health

Our skin is a reflection of our overall health. If you don’t have perfect skin this means that the body is not balanced. There is no greater organ (or set of organs) that influence our skin health than the digestive system. Not only does optimal digestion and absorption of nutrients from these organs nourish our bodies but 70% of the immune system resides in the digestive tract. This has a direct effect on the microbes our bodies will allow to live on our skin. Imbalanced microbes in our digestive system means imbalanced microbes on our skin. Rosacea, dermatitis, psoriasis etc all have a component to them (if not solely) down to an imbalance in our skin biome. GI Max Pro supports every aspect of digestive function and is the best ‘off the shelf’ digestive support that we can find.

For Hormone Health

Most people don’t realise that hormones are degraded, converted, and detoxified in the liver. Once leaving the liver these components enter the digestive system through bile and are excreted from the body. When the digestive system is not healthy many of these components are reabsorbed or not effectively eliminated. On top of this our microbiome plays a re key part in balancing our hormones and we need to support the microbiome for optimal health, not just hormones.

For Stress

We are all primed to think that stress is emotional and schedule related but in truth everything our body does is a form of stress. One of the most stressful things our bodies have to do is properly digest, absorb and convert nutrients for optimal function. By supporting healthy digestive function we can significantly lower our overall stress levels and support a healthy stress response. Are you someone that has ever eaten a large meal late at night and then not slept well. This is because as we said; digestion is stressful and the stress of digestion will lead to a night full of tossing, turning, over thinking, and probably sweating.

In collaboration with Functional Medicine Practitioner Peter Dugmore MIFM, HCPC, SRP, Clinical Director at Kyushi Wellness.

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For Skin Health

Our skin is a reflection of our overall health. If you don’t have perfect skin this means that the body is not balanced. There is no greater organ (or set of organs) that influence our skin health than the digestive system. Not only does optimal digestion and absorption of nutrients from these organs nourish our bodies but 70% of the immune system resides in the digestive tract. This has a direct effect on the microbes our bodies will allow to live on our skin. Imbalanced microbes in our digestive system means imbalanced microbes on our skin. Rosacea, dermatitis, psoriasis etc all have a component to them (if not solely) down to an imbalance in our skin biome. GI Max Pro supports every aspect of digestive function and is the best ‘off the shelf’ digestive support that we can find.

For Hormone Health

Most people don’t realise that hormones are degraded, converted, and detoxified in the liver. Once leaving the liver these components enter the digestive system through bile and are excreted from the body. When the digestive system is not healthy many of these components are reabsorbed or not effectively eliminated. On top of this our microbiome plays a re key part in balancing our hormones and we need to support the microbiome for optimal health, not just hormones.

For Stress

We are all primed to think that stress is emotional and schedule related but in truth everything our body does is a form of stress. One of the most stressful things our bodies have to do is properly digest, absorb and convert nutrients for optimal function. By supporting healthy digestive function we can significantly lower our overall stress levels and support a healthy stress response. Are you someone that has ever eaten a large meal late at night and then not slept well. This is because as we said; digestion is stressful and the stress of digestion will lead to a night full of tossing, turning, over thinking, and probably sweating.

In collaboration with Functional Medicine Practitioner Peter Dugmore MIFM, HCPC, SRP, Clinical Director at Kyushi Wellness.

For Skin Health

Our skin is a reflection of our overall health. If you don’t have perfect skin this means that the body is not balanced. There is no greater organ (or set of organs) that influence our skin health than the digestive system. Not only does optimal digestion and absorption of nutrients from these organs nourish our bodies but 70% of the immune system resides in the digestive tract. This has a direct effect on the microbes our bodies will allow to live on our skin. Imbalanced microbes in our digestive system means imbalanced microbes on our skin. Rosacea, dermatitis, psoriasis etc all have a component to them (if not solely) down to an imbalance in our skin biome. GI Max Pro supports every aspect of digestive function and is the best ‘off the shelf’ digestive support that we can find.

For Hormone Health

Most people don’t realise that hormones are degraded, converted, and detoxified in the liver. Once leaving the liver these components enter the digestive system through bile and are excreted from the body. When the digestive system is not healthy many of these components are reabsorbed or not effectively eliminated. On top of this our microbiome plays a re key part in balancing our hormones and we need to support the microbiome for optimal health, not just hormones.

For Stress

We are all primed to think that stress is emotional and schedule related but in truth everything our body does is a form of stress. One of the most stressful things our bodies have to do is properly digest, absorb and convert nutrients for optimal function. By supporting healthy digestive function we can significantly lower our overall stress levels and support a healthy stress response. Are you someone that has ever eaten a large meal late at night and then not slept well. This is because as we said; digestion is stressful and the stress of digestion will lead to a night full of tossing, turning, over thinking, and probably sweating.

In collaboration with Functional Medicine Practitioner Peter Dugmore MIFM, HCPC, SRP, Clinical Director at Kyushi Wellness.

Build Yourself a Stronger Foundation of Health

Your GI tract does more than simply digest your foods. It’s on the front line of your immune defense as a barrier working to prevent pathogens from being absorbed into your bloodstream. It plays an essential role in your natural detoxification process. It’s home to hormone-producing bacteria that affect your moods, cravings, and metabolism. Don’t you think it deserves the best support possible?


Science-Backed Ingredients Make the Difference
With GI UltraMAX Pro, you can give your GI tract name-brand ingredients with extensive scientific research and studies behind them.

Propol® A Konjac Root Fiber – This highly purified, natural fiber is highly stable and helps promote bowel regularity, weight management, and may even help support those with blood sugar control issues.

ResistAid® Larch Arabinogalactan Fiber – This prebiotic fiber has 3 randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies behind it. These studies showed an increase in healthy immune regulatory responses with a 57% increased likelihood of staying healthy compared to those taking a placebo.

Polyphenol-C® – Taking vitamin C to the next level with a wealth of anthocyanins, proanthocyanidins, bioflavonoids, and more. This food-based vitamin C is highly effective in supporting the immune system.

BGF-Immune® 1,3 Beta Glucans – Studies on BGF-Immune® show better functioning immune antibodies in the mucosal membrane lining of the GI tract. These antibodies attack and neutralize potentially dangerous bacteria and viruses before they can enter the bloodstream.

PepZin GI® – This unique combination of zinc and l-carnosine is highly stable throughout the GI tract supporting extended antioxidant activity. Antioxidants can help neutralize the free radicals that attack the lining of the GI tract.

Setria® Glutathione – Affectionately known as the “Master Antioxidant”, Glutathione is used in every cell in the body. This branded form is easily absorbed and has shown in clinical trials to contribute to higher blood glutathione levels.

Serrazimes® – These protease enzymes target specific proteins known to cause inflammation. By breaking down these proteins, Serrazimes® supports protein digestion and healthy immune responses. 


Traditional Herbal Support

Herbs have been used throughout human history and are the basis for today’s modern medicine. In GI UltraMAX Pro we’ve included herbs such as Marshmallow Root, Qing Dai, and Cat’s Claw. These herbs have been used for thousands of years as holistic support for GI health.


Putting GI UltraMAX Pro to Work for You

Today’s modern life can put a lot of stress on the GI tract and cause a wide range of health issues. GI UltraMAX Pro is here to support your body’s natural healing processes with hand-picked ingredients.

Leaky Gut – Leaky Gut happens when the tight junctions along intestinal walls lose their integrity and allow food particles, bacteria, and toxins to enter the body in an unnatural way leading to abdominal inflammation. GI UltraMAX Pro provides targeted ingredients like Colostrum for healthy tight junction support. 

Microbiome Balance – Our gut microbiome can be thrown out of balance for any number of reasons and a great way to bring that balance back is through prebiotic fibers. These fibers, such as Larch Arabinogalactan, Fenugreek, Agave Inulin, and others, act as food for the colonies of health-promoting bacteria within the digestive tract.

GI UltraMAX Pro additionally provides 20 billion CFUs composed of 9 hand-picked probiotic strains to help reintroduce the healthy bacterial diversity necessary to battle and overwhelm invading harmful bacteria.

Having a balanced gut microbiome strengthens the immune system, supports digestion, may help improve or maintain mental health, and even has positive effects on food cravings.

Immune Support – The GI tract helps keep us protected from harmful bacteria, environmental contaminants, and other toxins, but it can only do this if it’s able to protect itself. GI UltraMAX Pro makes this easier with a wealth of immune supporting ingredients.

Weight Management Support – The soluble fibers included in GI UltraMAX Pro help you feel full longer so you’re less likely to reach for a snack between meals. These fibers are also prebiotics that help balance your microbiome. Harmful bacteria feed on sugar and unhealthy fats while beneficial bacteria feed on these prebiotic soluble fibers. When bad bacteria overwhelm the good, we find ourselves craving unhealthy foods. The reverse is also true. Since our good bacteria thrive on healthy fibrous foods, they send signals to our brains that cause us to crave carrots, apples, and other healthy foods.


Are there any common allergens in the GI MAX PRO?

GI ULTRA MAX PRO does have an immune supporting mushroom blend that should be avoided by individuals with mushroom allergies. Colostrum is a pre milk product meaning it is produced by mothers prior to milk production while colostrum does have a very small amount of lactose compared to milk it does have the same amount of casein as regular cows milk we therefore suggest that anyone with a mushroom, lactose or casein allergy to discuss this product with a healthcare provider prior to use.

What is the best way to use this product?

Our bodies heal most efficiently while we are sleeping. Therefore it is best to take this product between dinner and bedtime or roughly 2 hours before bedtime. If there is not more than 2 hours after dinner and going to bed we would suggest taking this product first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, it mixes best in a shaker bottle but can be stirred if necessary, please drink it quickly as the fibres in this product will start to thicken. Always follow with a minimum of 200ml of water afterwards.

Any information found on this website is for the reader to use at their own discretion. It does not replace any medical advice, and we recommend that you consult with your healthcare provider if you have any pre existing medical conditions or are on medication that may interact with any nutritional supplementation. Buy buying this product you agree with the statement above and you are making the choice that you feel from all of the information that you have available to you that, this would be a positive addition to improving your health and wellbeing. Should you experience any side effects then you should stop taking this product immediately and consult a healthcare provider. 

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