Clinical Director & Co Founder of Kyushi Wellness
Peter Dugmore Functional Medicine CFMP, MIFM Physiotherapist HCPC & MCSP
Pete is the Kyushi Wellness Clinical Director, healthcare professional & a leading functional medicine practitioner working with clients all over the world. He is uniquely skilled in helping you get to the root cause of your disease, health complaints and symptoms. Pete uses the most up to date and in-depth scientific understanding combined with state of the art testing and results analysis to get a complete understanding of your unique needs.
Because Pete takes a different approach to treatment than most as he can help find the root cause of your disease and rebalance your body. By taking this whole body and mind approach to treatment rather than focusing on the disease or symptom itself people can overcome a myriad of different health problems to return themselves to their best possible health.
Pete uses the most up to date and in-depth scientific understanding combined with state of the art testing and results analysis to get a complete understanding of your unique needs. He will then tailor a completely individualised program to meet your personal needs. The programs involve both dietary changes and any necessary treatments and or supplements.
Pete uses a combination of the following within his practice :
Functional Medicine, Kinesiology, Visceral Manipulation, Lab testing, Physiotherapy, Bioressorance scanning, Epigenetics, Hologenomics & Nutrigenomics.
"I love to share peoples journey in finding out about their own bodies and health. It’s incredible to see people clear up symptoms they had been noticing for ages and sometimes even better when other symptoms that they hadn’t even realised were symptoms start to disappear too. My goal is always help answer those questions you have about your own health, get to the root cause of what’s going on inside your body and return you to full health." - Peter Dugmore

Combining an expansive knowledge base to form an all encompassing view of your current health, to create a truly bespoke treatment plan unique to your needs.
After years of health problems, in and out of hospital, hitting a brick wall, resetting and never getting to the root cause, I have finally started to feel myself again. Thanks to both Pete and Alice, whom I trust wholeheartedly, I've not only strengthened physically but I've grown more knowledgeable in overall health and how to tap into my intuition. I feel better everyday and with a deeper understanding of myself and needs. Their kindness, warmth and genuine investment into others' wellbeing, is like non other.
I cannot recommend kyushi more and these two wonderful souls.